Friday, October 17, 2008

To my baby.... A Happy Birthday!

So Davids another year older, sigh! Well this was the first time we both were together when he had his bday last time i was away in germany so that was not too nice, and this timeI wanted to do so many things for his bday but its kinda hard when ppl call 24/7 so i decided to leave it for another day!
For all you who don't know there will be a party on the 18th of this month, and whoever is around in the neighborhood can pop by!!
And for David PS: I love you, and am so happy being with you, and amazed how much we went through and yet we are still fighting, I love you so much and cant wait for us to have a wonderful future!!! But it still doesnt help the fact that you look like king darius in this picture, and like you could kill anyone you see, but i still love you!!! :*

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